During this first week of Advent, the scriptures urge and encourage us to be alert and aware of Jesus’ arrival when he comes again.

It is a busy week, this first week of Advent, having survived Black Friday and Cyber Monday, we now set our sights on preparing our homes for our celebration of Christmas.

There are trees to decorate, wreathes to hang, lights to be strung, and all sorts of cookies and treats to be baked.

Be alert

And in the midst of all this busyness the scriptures speak out about being awake, alert and aware of the coming of Christ.

Jesus believes this is such an important matter that in each of the first three Gospels, he speaks to his disciples about the importance of keeping watch for the coming of Christ.

So how are we doing with that one? As homes are decorated, presents are wrapped, cards are addressed and goodies are baked, are we being alert and on the watch for the coming of Christ?

I want to suggest that during this season of Advent we look for the presence of Jesus in our very midst. As Emmanuel, God with us, Jesus promises that his presence is always with us.

Seeing Jesus

So where are you seeing and experiencing Jesus’ presence as you go about your day-to-day life?

In worship, do you feel his presence in the word proclaimed, in the hymns sung and in the peace shared?

In worship, as you come to the table, do you taste and see that the Lord is good?

And how are you experiencing Jesus’ presence as you get ready to head off to work, do chores around the house, pay your bills, shop for groceries and spend time with your family?

Advent is a time when we are reminded that God breaks into our lives and is really present with us.

Advent encourages us to believe that when we pray, “Come Lord Jesus,” that he has already come and taken his place in our lives.

Advent urges us to keep awake and stay alert to see and feel Jesus’ presence today.

So keep watch! See Jesus because he is near!

Originally posted Nov. 28, 2011, at PT’s Passing Thoughts. Republished with permission of the author. Find a link to Todd Nelsen’s entry on the blog PT’s Passing Thoughts at Lutheran Blogs.

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