- For the past five years the congregation of St. James Lutheran Church, York, Pa., bought their fronds for Palm Sunday from Eco-Palms, a sustainable harvester. Pictured left to right are Brenda Ferree, pastor, Dave Smith, Norma Smith and Thomas Meckley as they unpack last year’s palms.
- Maria Argueta holds palms during a bilingual interdenominational service on Sunday, April 17, 2011, at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Albany, N.Y. Maria was in attendance with other members of her congregation, the Shrine Church of Our Lady of the Americas.
- At St. John’s Lutheran Church, Des Moines, Iowa, the procession of the palms begins outside the church building. Congregational members join the pastors and choirs as they process into the sanctuary.
- A young member of Divine Word Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, dons a donkey costume for the congregation’s Palm Sunday celebration. Photo taken by ELCA Greater Milwaukee Synod communicator Tracy Apps.
- Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Thousand Oaks, Calif,
- Lou Florio, pastor and Living Lutheran blogger, blesses the palms at Messiah Lutheran, Mechanicsville, Va.
- Palm Sunday at St. Martin’s, Sugar Land, Texas. Photo taken by Michael Rinehard, bishop, ELCA Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod.
- Procession at Salem Lutheran Church, West St. Paul, Minn., with Paul Erickson, pastor and assistant to the bishop of the ELCA Saint Paul Area Synod.
- Worship space at First United Lutheran Church, San Francisco, on Palm Sunday, 2009.
As we enter Holy Week, many ELCA congregations have taken on the tradition of blessing and processing with palms.