- Members of St. Luke Lutheran Church, Portland, Ore., joined other community organizations in an effort to keep hundreds of pounds of recyclable materials from going to a local landfill.
- Volunteers sorted a day’s worth of waste in Pacific Lutheran University’s campus-wide Garbology event. The idea was to demonstrate what could be diverted from landfills.
- First English Lutheran Church of Columbus, Ohio, participates in the Energy Stewards Initiative of Lutherans Restoring Creation, a national grassroots program that encourages ELCA congregations to care for creation. Congregational volunteers are shown installing energy efficient lights in the sanctuary.
- A team of volunteers from Hosanna Lutheran Church, Rochester, Minn., helped plant and harvest the Hosanna Community Garden for Channel One Food Bank.
- Confirmation camp attendees volunteer part of their time to working in the Metigrowshe Garden. Located in the Turtle Mountains of North Dakota, the Metigoshe Ministries offers year-round opportunities to connect with God through nature.
- Members of Ballard First Lutheran Church, Seattle, Wash., have been involved in creation care for many years. Volunteers are shown working on landscaping, which includes a variety of native plants and improves the habitat for a host of native wildlife species.
We take a look at how ELCA volunteers contribute to the stewardship of the environment.