- Jhon Freddy Correa, pastor, celebrates Pentecost at the Sunday service at Emmaus Lutheran Church, Racine, Wis.
- Red confetti falls upon the congregation at Faith Lutheran Church, Bellaire, Texas.
- Mary Janz, pastor, preaches beside the flame of Pentecost at Emmaus Lutheran Church, Racine, Wis.
- Food is in order at the Pentecost Picnic at Christ the King Lutheran Church, Houston.
- The winds of Pentecost begin to blow though the worship space at Abiding Savior Lutheran Church, Fairview, N.C.
- Fire, representing the Holy Spirit, at the Pentecost service, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Berkeley, Calif.
- Balloons fly on Pentecost at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Bellevue, Wash.
- A mural commissioned by Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Chapel Hill, N.C.
On that first Christian Pentecost, the Holy Spirit — the helper Jesus promised to send — descended upon the disciples and other followers of Jesus.