- Herbert W. Chilstrom, presiding bishop, celebrates the Eucharist at the 1989 Churchwide Assembly in Rosemont, Ill.
- Martin Marty, an ELCA pastor and chair of the drafting team for the Called to Common Mission proposal for full communion with the Episcopal Church, introduces the topic to the 1999 assembly in Denver.
- The seventh biennial Churchwide Assembly was held in Indianapolis in 2001 — The Choir greeted assembly-goers with a rousing gospel song.
- The exhibit area at the August 1995 Churchwide Assembly in Minneapolis.
- Members of the national news media attend a news conference held at the 2009 assembly in Minneapolis.
- Raphaela Moralis Rosa, pastor of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Bridgeport, Conn., presides at a morning Eucharist at the eighth assembly in Denver. The service was conducted in English and Spanish.
We are a church that is deeply rooted and always being made new! From the first Churchwide Assembly held in Rosemont, Ill., in 1989 to the 13th assembly opening Monday, Aug. 12, in Pittsburgh, there have been many changes over the past 25 years, but we remain deeply rooted as a part of God’s new creation.