- Hanson was first elected to serve a six-year term as ELCA presiding bishop at the 2001 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. He was re-elected in 2007. Before serving as presiding bishop, Hanson was bishop of the ELCA Saint Paul Area Synod and pastor of three ELCA congregations in Minnesota, prior to his role as synod bishop.
- The Installation of Bishop Hanson
- Hanson traveled extensively across the United States, meeting with ELCA members and congregations — sometimes as frequently as three of four weekends per month.
- Hanson also traveled overseas, meeting with Lutheran sisters and brothers as well as other religious and political leaders to build relationships and share messages of hope, reconciliation and peace.
- The ELCA and the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church embarked on a new relationship to engage in mission and ministry together, sharing in one another’s traditions, witness and service in the world. “It is my prayer that congregations of the ELCA and the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church will join together in worship, Scripture study and shared commitment to work for justice and reconciliation,” says Hanson.
- During his tenure as ELCA presiding bishop, Hanson met with Pope John Paul II and with Pope Benedict (pictured here). Hanson was accompanied by the Rev. Jessica Crist, bishop of the ELCA Montana Synod and chair of the ELCA Conference of Bishops; the Rev. Robert D. Hofstad, bishop of the ELCA Southwestern Washington Synod; and the Rev. Donald J. McCoid, assistant to the ELCA presiding bishop on ecumenical and inter-religious relations.
- In 2012, Hanson participated in a panel discussion at the Coexist Prize Ceremony in New York City. Joining Hanson is Rabbi David Saperstein, director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, and His Excellency Sheikh Ali Gomaa, the grand mufti of Egypt. The Coexist Prize is an international award established to recognize an unsung hero or heroine who has built bridges between people of different faiths.
- Hanson gathered with the Rev. Martin Junge, general secretary of The Lutheran World Federation, and the Rev. Susan Johnson, national bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, for a 2013 meeting of the Federation’s North American regional representatives.
- As presiding bishop, Hanson met with the ELCA Conference of Bishops and the ELCA Church Council to engage in decision-making, a mutual sharing of ministries, worship and study.
- In a historic visit, Hanson participated in a delegation of church leaders representing The Lutheran World Federation who traveled together Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2012, to areas of the United States impacted by storms produced from Hurricane Sandy.
- Passionate about youth and young adult ministries, Hanson attended ELCA Youth Gatherings to share messages of God’s love and grace among this church’s young leaders.
- During his tenure as presiding bishop, Hanson served as chair of ELCA churchwide assemblies.
- At the 2013 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, Hanson was awarded the Servus Dei Medal.
Thank you, Mark Hanson, for 12 years of faithful and prophetic leadership as ELCA presiding bishop. May you and Ione continue to “go forth into the world to serve God with gladness.” Capturing 12 years of servant leadership is no small task. Here’s an attempt to share some images of Mark Hanson’s devotion and passion as presiding bishop of the 4 million-member ELCA.