- Here are Sustainability Survey Team members from St. Luke Lutheran Church, Portland, Oregon. Since 2006, the congregation’s Environmental Stewardship Committee has been discussing, educating and planning events on issues related to caring for God’s creation.
- Creation care team members of Christ the King Lutheran Church, Houston, at Luther Hill Campground clean up outdoor worship spaces.
- Students of Lutheran Campus Ministry, ELCA Greater Milwaukee Synod, who live in the “Corner House” commit to conserve water and electricity, compost and use green cleaning products. Last spring they installed raised garden beds to grow their own food.
- Young members of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Gaithersburg, Md., dig a butterfly puddle. Volunteers have also planted Echinacea and black-eyed Susans, installed a rain barrel and set up bird feeders for a wildlife habitat.
- Members of the Lutheran Church of the Incarnation, Davis, Calif., serve their community and care for creation through participation in an Adopt-A-Highway program. Volunteers maintain a two mile stretch of highway.
- Caring for creation At the beginning of each school year, Green Team members at Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa., reach out to all students during move-in to collect cardboard and other recyclable material. Team members educate the students on campus recycling.
“The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it” (Psalm 24:1). ELCA congregations and institutions across the country are incorporating the care for God’s creation into their mission. Through the work of volunteers, Lutherans are making a difference in their communities.