- ELCA Campus Ministry of the Brazos Valley (ministry committed to serving students, faculty and staff at Blinn College and Texas A&M University) delivering food to day workers.
- Chad Kohlmeyer, pastor for children, youth and household ministry, Atonement Lutheran Church, Boulder, Colo., writes of great memories and meaning on “our Alternative Spring Break trip to Green River, Utah. Fun Boulder area churches together. Today [March 23] scraping as painting prep, building shelving and a great hike.”
- From Nicaragua to D.C., Gettysburg College students make good use of spring break. Students and faculty members are traveling to sites such as Washington, D.C.; Nicaragua and the South Carolina Sea Islands to learn, make music and volunteer.
- Iowa State Lutheran Campus Ministry students assist residents of Pine Ridge Indian Reservation during a spring-break mission trip. Left to right: Emma Grinde; Kevin Steel, tribal council member; Sarah Steel; Steel’s nephew, Paul; Alexandria Sveum; John Rolfe.
- Students from Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn., during their spring break travels last year, took time to engage in a service learning project with the Second Harvest Food Bank.
- More than 100 people played trivia at First Lutheran Church, Mission Hills, Kan., to raise more than $1,300 to help cover the costs of the University of Kansas Lutheran Campus Ministry. The money was donated for a spring-break mission trip to New York City. Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Kansas is a ministry of the ELCA and the Central States Synod.
Many ELCA campus ministries and youth organizations partake in “alternative spring breaks,” a trip where a group of people — from youth groups to colleges and seminaries — engage in volunteer service, instead of a more traditional spring break.