- Within the first few hours of a food drive hosted by a group of congregations from the ELCA Southeastern Iowa Synod, volunteers loaded vehicles with food to be delivered to local food pantries for sorting.
- Members of Zion Lutheran Church in Davenport, stood by the entrance of Save-A-Lot from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. collecting food to support local food pantries. Many shoppers who donated said they have personally received food from a food pantry and wanted to give back.
- From a single can of green beans to entire shopping carts filled with food, members of the ELCA Southeastern Iowa Synod participated in the 2014 “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday by collecting food to support hunger-fighting organizations in the Quad Cities area.
- Members of St. Mark Lutheran Church in Davenport, Iowa, collected food and monetary donations to support local food pantries. Members of the ELCA Southeastern Iowa Synod collected food at eight grocery stores in the Quad Cities.
- Even young ELCA members participated in the 2014 “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday.
Thousands of ELCA members from across this church participated in the 2014 “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday. Wearing gold T-shirts, the day involved ELCA members serving their communities in ways that shared the love of God with all people. From striving to build awareness about hunger and poverty in the United States to cleaning up parks and neighborhoods, ELCA members were reminded that “we are church together for the sake of the world.”