- Members of Wilmington Lutheran Church in Arnegard, N.D., brought produce from their gardens and filled 39 grocery bags, which included a welcome note and an invitation to worship. The bags were delivered to oil-field workers and their families who live in campers.
- In the rain, members of Grace Lutheran Church in Washington, N.C., helped take down and haul away an old playground that had caused several injuries over the summer. A safer replacement is being sought.
- Small hands from Abiding Presence Lutheran Church in Rochester Hills, Mich., were a big help as the congregation harvested vegetables for a local food pantry and mulched trails and weeded wild-flower gardens in a nature preserve.
- Members of Peace Lutheran Church in Las Cruces, N.M., cleared and weeded garden beds and planted seeds at Lynn Middle School. The congregation also worked with La Semilla Food Center, a local program that builds awareness about food issues.
- Members of Trinity Lutheran Church in Lebanon Ind., painted the soccer shed for the Lebanon Area Boys and Girls Club. The shed was built by the congregation during the 2013 day of service.
ELCA members work every day to serve their neighbors and make the world a better place. “God’s work. Our hands.” Sundayprovides a unique opportunity for the nearly 10,000 congregations of the ELCA to join together for a dedicated day of service in communities across the country. From packing groceries to planting gardens, ELCA members put their faith in action during the Sept. 7 day of service, doing God’s work of restoring and reconciling communities in Jesus’ name throughout the world.