- Evangelical Lutheran Worship Prayer Book for the Armed Services is a pocket-sized companion from Augsburg Fortress that’s ideal for those in the military, family and friends of those in active service, veterans, pastors and congregations.
- To date, the ELCA Federal Chaplaincy Scholarship Endowment has earned more than $26,500.
- Support the new ELCA Federal Chaplaincy Scholarship Endowment that is part of Always Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA. The fund is designed to raise $300,000 to support candidates for ministry who will be pursuing a federal chaplaincy ministry career path.
- ELCA pastors serve to carry out a word and sacrament ministry to those who otherwise may not experience the presence and support of a faith community.
- “Caring for Returning Veterans” is a daylong workshop developed by the ELCA for use in congregations, synods and other ministry settings that deal with “the veteran’s experience.”
We are called to love, serve and welcome people who are placed on the edges of society, particularly those who have experienced war and combat. Let us give thanks to our veterans, especially those who struggle with the psychological, moral and spiritual impacts of war and combat.