- Ioan Sauca, associate general secretary and director of the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey of the World Council of Churches, tells the ELCA delegation about the spiritual transformation that takes place in the lives of students who take turns leading ecumenical prayers each morning in the chapel at the Swiss institute.
- As part of ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton’s 2015 Ecumenical Journey, ELCA leaders met with representatives of the World Council of Churches in Geneva. The ELCA delegation toured the chapel of the Ecumenical Centre, which houses The Lutheran World Federation and the World Council of Churches offices.
- ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton (second from left) leads a delegation of ELCA leaders in a visit to the offices of The Lutheran World Federation based in Geneva. The ELCA is the only U.S. member church of the federation. The Rev. Martin Junge (third from left) is the federation’s general secretary.
- An ELCA delegation meets with staff representatives of the Anglican Consultative Council in London. The council facilitates the cooperative work of the churches of the Anglican Communion.
- An ELCA delegation meets with Justin Welby (center), archbishop of Canterbury of the Church of England at Lambeth Palace in London. The archbishop of Canterbury is the most senior bishop of the Anglican Communion with 85 million members worldwide.
- The ELCA delegation meets with Ioan Sauca (fourth from left), associate general secretary and director of The Ecumenical Institute at Bossey of the World Council of Churches in Switzerland.
- ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton meets with Cardinal Marc Armand Ouellet in a visit to the Congregation for Bishops in the Roman Curia.
- ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton meets with Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran in a visit to the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. It was Cardinal Tauran who announced from the balcony the election of Pope Francis.
In an endeavor to learn, share and deepen dialogue with Christian partners around the world, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton led a delegation of ELCA leaders in February to meet with religious leaders in Geneva, London and Rome. In particular, the ELCA delegation met with representatives of The Lutheran World Federation and the World Council of Churches, visited the Anglican Consultative Council, the Church of England, and met with Justin Welby – the archbishop of Canterbury. They also participated in a general audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican.