- Sunday worship at Holy Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Havana.
- ELCA members join in prayer with a congregation on land where a new church will be built in Limonar, Cuba.
- This cardboard model, held by Gilberto Caballero Elizalde, pastor of Iglesias Episcopal San Juan Evangelista in Coliseo, represents the church a congregation in Limonar, Cuba, hopes to build to replace one destroyed by a hurricane some years ago.
- A group of ELCA members from the Midwest traveled to Cuba, where they visited with Lutheran and Episcopal congregations there. The ELCA and The Episcopal Church are full communion partners.
- One of the many street bands in Old Havana.
- A view from the seminary grounds in the port city of Matanzas, Cuba.
A group of ELCA members from Chicago; Madison, Wis.; St. Paul, Minn.; and members of The Episcopal Church enjoyed the “sights and sounds of Cuba” and met “warm and welcoming people” in a special trip there Jan. 28-Feb. 2, 2015. According to trip participant Michael Sparby, pastor of Edison Park Lutheran Church in Chicago, churches in Cuba are “vibrant communities of faith eager to extend the love of God in Jesus Christ to their neighbors and eager for partnership with other Christians in the years ahead.”
Led by Ernest Vasseur and Craig Mueller, pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Chicago, the trip was planned prior to a December 2014 announcement from the White House to renew diplomatic relations with Cuba.