- The crowd listens to speakers during the Million Moms March in Washington, D.C.
- Marchers hold a banner in honor of Dontre Hamilton, who was killed by Milwaukee police in April 2014.
- People came from across the country to support mothers who mourn the loss of their children.
- Steve Jerbi, senior pastor of All Peoples Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, said, “The most powerful moments were the testimonies of the mothers. There were threads that wove through their stories, knitting together common themes. Yet, each story was unique on its own, as unique as the lives lost.”
- ELCA member Maria Hamilton speaks to the crowd at the U.S. Department of Justice.
- Members of All Peoples Lutheran Church in Milwaukee attend the Million Moms March in Washington, D.C.
Some ELCA members gathered on Mother’s Day weekend in Washington, D.C., to participate in the Million Moms March, a peaceful demonstration that brought together mothers whose children have been killed by police. The march was organized by Mothers for Justice United, a group led by Maria Hamilton, a member of All Peoples Lutheran Church in Milwaukee. Maria’s son Dontre was shot by Milwaukee police in April 2014. All Peoples Lutheran was a leading partner at the march. The weekend included a march to the U.S. Department of Justice and meetings with White House officials and members of Congress.