- Closing worship at the ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission Discernment-Interview-Placement event was held outdoors.
- Young adult participants spent time in prayer. At the end of the weekend, they received a placement offer to serve in one of nine country programs around the world.
- At the event, participants spent time in conversation and learning about various country programs. Here some of the Discernment-Interview-Placement participants learn about the program in Mexico from Country Coordinators Lindsay Mack (standing) and Omar Mixco.
- In April, the ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission program welcomed 79 young adult participants at its 2015 Discernment-Interview-Placement event.
- Rebecca Hernandez-Ortiz, called to serve this coming year in Argentina/Uruguay, preached for the group on Sunday morning at Techny Towers in Northbrook, Ill.
- Communion was served during worship at the ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission Discernment-Interview-Placement event. At the conclusion of the weekend, the ELCA called all 79 young adults to serve internationally alongside our Lutheran global companions and ecumenical partner organizations.
In April, the ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission program welcomed 79 young adults to its annual Discernment-Interview-Placement event. Young Adults in Global Mission, ages 21-29, serve in one of nine international settings alongside Lutheran global companions and ecumenical partner organizations. At the conclusion of the weekend, all 79 young adults were offered an international placement; those who accept will begin service with the ELCA and its companions around the world this August. (Photos/Sarah Bowers)