- The theme for the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod Assembly was “God’s Love in Action: Education, Service & Advocacy.” During the May 1-3 gathering in Tulsa, Okla., about 100 members, both youth and adults, worked in neighboring Global Gardens (science and gardening sites on or near school grounds), assisted the American Red Cross or made quilts for Lutheran World Relief.
- During its assembly May 15-17, the Northern Great Lakes Synod collected $25,114.28 to help alleviate world hunger with a “Quarters for Hunger” offering.
- Members of the East-Central Synod of Wisconsin Assembly wiggle their “sheep ears” as the executive director and leadership team of Crossways Camping Ministries leads them in singing a Bible camp favorite, “I Just Wanna Be a Sheep.” At its May 15-16 assembly in Green Bay, members joined in support of Crossways Camping Ministries by donating items needed by the camp.
- Bishop Kevin S. Kanouse dedicates the Christ Evangelical Lutheran Mission Center at Briarwood Retreat Center as part of the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod Assembly April 25. The center houses the synod offices and has state-of-the art Internet access, teleconferencing and webcast capacity.
- The Eastern North Dakota Synod Assembly gathered April 18-19 in Fargo. As part of an activity to learn about the Spirit, participants blew up balloons that were released. The assembly was reminded that the Spirit is always active and on the move, often surprising us in wonderful ways, and that the Spirit is fun, bringing joy and excitement that lead to hope.
- ELCA Glocal Mission Gathering musicians from around the country provide music at the Southwestern Texas Synod Assembly, May 1-3.
It’s synod assembly season in the ELCA. Beginning in April and running through June, each of the ELCA’s 65 synods gathers for its annual synod assembly. During the assembly, voting members elect leaders, determine budgets and address topics of concern through resolutions.