- Participants Charis Wirtley (left) and Greta Schwandt transport food donated by drive-up donors into the church to be organized.
- Maria Rose Belding counts donated cans of food at the food drive.
- Karie Wagner (left), youth and family director at St. John Lutheran Church, Little Suamico, Wis., assists youth in putting up a sign for the food drive. Youth pictured are Alyssa Warren, Jesse Berg, Mathew Kutska and Jessica Slaby.
- The drive provided strong service learning and leadership opportunities for youth at St. John Lutheran Church. For more information about organizing a food drive, order or download “Road Map to Food Drives: A By-Youth, For-Youth Guide to Feeding Communities” at www.elca.org/resources/elca-world-hunger (click on “Hunger ed”).
- Garrett Wons (right) was one of the youth organizers.
- The youth collected and sorted 866 pounds of food the day of their food drive.
Young people of St. John Lutheran Church, Little Suamico, Wis., recently participated in a pilot food drive using the ELCA World Hunger resource “Road Map to Food Drives: A By-Youth, For-Youth Guide to Feeding Communities.” “This has been a great way for them to bond and collaborate,” said Karie Wagner, youth coordinator and director of family ministry. “It has brought the group together and made it stronger.” The resource itself is an example of youth leadership at work — its authors, Maria Rose Belding and Tariro Makoni, were still in high school when they researched and wrote it with World Hunger. Belding, now a student at American Univeristy in Washington, D.C., traveled with World Hunger staff to be part of St. John’s event.