- Jacke Houck and Alex O’Shea collected sports equipment with their Spark Team to give to inner-city youth.
- Eighth-graders Emily Ashley, Milli Straub and Kelsey Long organized a 5K walk/run with their Spark Team to raise awareness about world hunger. Their event raised more than $1,200, which was used to purchase seeds for farmers in Haiti.
- Zach Rago, Hannah Williams and Abby Johns worked on their Spark Team to design curriculum, organize activities and develop a budget to host a “Senior High End of Summer Youth Retreat,” which helped rising ninth-grade students feel welcomed into the senior high youth group.
- As director of youth and family ministries at Trinity, Michelle Shirk (far left) helps point out where God is working in the youth through the connections they make on their Spark Teams.
- Fourteen-year-old Anika Weaver used her passion for theater production to create a PowerPoint movie to celebrate the end of the youth-group year and to show the congregation how the youth are serving.
Trinity Lutheran Church in Mount Joy, Pa., is seeing sparks. Michelle Shirk, Trinity’s director of youth and family ministries, implemented the “Spark Teams” concept in which the youth of the congregation use their personal passions to fuel projects that serve their community, share the gospel and strengthen their faith.