Every Monday, Living Lutheran offers a week’s worth of prayers from the ELCA resource Prayer Ventures, which can be downloaded here. These petitions – one for each day this week – are offered as a guide for your own prayer life as together we pray for the needs of the world and give thanks for the ministries of our church.
Monday, March 14: We give thanks to God for the generous grant the ELCA has received from the Lilly Endowment to help fund an initiative to address the financial and economic struggles that often impair the ability of pastors to lead congregations effectively.
Tuesday, March 15: We remember in our prayers all those who support and empower international women leaders in the life and development of this church and our communities. We pray to be awakened to the power and capacity our sisters have in transforming the world in the name of Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, March 16: Whether gathered for a Lenten meal or worship, we pray that our thoughts and reflections will be on Jesus and that we will trust and follow Jesus no matter where he leads or how difficult the journey.
Thursday, March 17: On this St. Patrick’s Day, we give thanks to God for our brothers and sisters who respond to God’s call to serve as missionaries in the world. We ask God to fill them with love and respect for the people and communities they serve and with a tireless enthusiasm to share the gospel.
Friday, March 18: The prayerful words of the psalmist in ancient times still holds meaning for our prayers today – “Let your face shine upon your servant; save me in your steadfast love.”
Saturday, March 19: We remember in our prayers the leaders in our congregations – rostered and lay – who commit themselves to sharing the gospel, deepening our faith, and equipping and sending us to do God’s work in the world.
Sunday, March 20: Palm Sunday Christ defies our images of him as a conquering king, powerful religious leader or just another prophet. We pray that we receive, by faith, Jesus as our Savior, messiah, servant and son of God – the fulfillment of God’s loving promises to us.