“Our Lutheran Life” invites and encourages ELCA members to tell contemporary stories inspired by the Reformation about how the power of God’s grace plays out in the complexities of daily life, relationships, work and school. Your story is welcome, whether it addresses complex questions, heals suffering or recounts times of joy.

These stories narrate how Lutherans move in today’s society as Christians connected to the world around them, seeking to live out their faith for the next 500 years and beyond.

Create and submit your story using best practice recommendations provided here.

For the Rev. Cary Bass-Deschênes , serving as a pastor to San Quentin Prison in California offers a perspective on a variety of topics. Among them, he notes the Bible as the most widely-read book in prison, the types of inmates he calls upon and the important, contextual role Martin Luther’s quote about simultaneous saint and sinner plays in his pastoral work. Listen to Pastor Bass’ story below.

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