Faith Lutheran Church and its campus ministry at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, partnered with faith and university groups at Miami University to sponsor a two-
day academic and ecumenical celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
On Nov. 2-3, more than 160 attendees gathered to hear from three keynote speakers, seven Miami University professors and a panel discussion address aspects of the Reformation.
In addition to the formal remarks, Miami University student Cassie Colton presented her slides of Reformation sites in Germany.
Keynote speakers included:
- The Rev. Dr. Joy Schroeder (above, left), Bergener Professor of Theology and Religion, Trinity Lutheran Seminary and Capital University: “Martin Luther and the Reformation: The Life and Legacy of an Outspoken Professor, Preacher and Church Reformer”
- Professor Ronald Rittgers (below, right), Erich Markel Chair in German Reformation Studies at Valparaiso University: “Martin Luther the Radical Prophet”
- Rabbi Dr. Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi (above, right), President’s Scholar at Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati: “The Theology and Politics of Jewish Liturgical Change in the 16th Century”
In addition to the keynote remarks, topical remarks included:
- “Reformation and Language” – professors Peter Williams, John M. Jeep and Ruth H. Sanders
- “Three Surprises about Women in the Reformation and Counter-Reformation” – professor Renée Bernstein
- “The Shroud of Turin as Image and Relic in the Age of Reform” – professor Andrew Casper
- “Reformations Beyond the Germanic World” – a panel discussion with professor William Brown and professor Wietse de Boer
Thanks to Miami University’s Humanities Center, the University Art Museum, Hillel at Miami University, and several Miami academic departments, including the College of Creative Arts.