Today we are sharing a few prompts to encourage you during your personal spiritual time. We hope this collection will inspire you to be gracious and thoughtful as you move into your weekend.

Prayer Ventures
Independence Day Promise God to cherish and not abuse the blessings of liberty, to work for change wherever there is injustice and inequity, and to accompany our global neighbors and companion churches in striving for freedom, justice and voice.

Journal prompts
Today I am grateful for …

Something I’ve learned recently on my spiritual journey is …

Three ways I can help my neighbor this week are …

I can create positive change around me by …

I have the power to influence things around me. When I stand up for what is just, I create positive change in the world.

Ways to engage in justice work
Free: Speak up against discrimination, prejudice and inequality in your personal and professional environments. Willingness to have uncomfortable conversations is a very real part of advocacy and justice work.

Inexpensive: If you have specific skills such as writing, public speaking, legal expertise or technical knowledge, find ways to utilize them in support of social justice causes.

Investment: Consider setting up a monthly donation to organizations that work in an area in which you are passionate about seeing change.

For more ways you can take action, visit the ELCA Advocacy action page.

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