Lent is a season of reflection and renewal—a 40-day period in the liturgical calendar, from Ash Wednesday through Holy Saturday, when Lutherans focus on the life and ministry of Jesus. Throughout his time on earth, Jesus embodied humble service, showing us what it means to love through action. In this seven-week series (from the first Monday in Lent to Easter Monday), we will explore the ways Jesus served others and how we are called to follow his example. Together we will reflect on his acts of compassion, humility and sacrifice.
Not every act of service needs to be big to have impact or meaning. Jesus spoke of a mustard seed, small but mighty, reminding us that even tiny gestures of kindness can have a lasting impact. This week we focus on the power of small, everyday acts of service.
“Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much” (Luke 16:10).
Pastoral perspective with Drew Tucker
Little things matter. Too often, we ignore small acts—positive or negative—and focus only on the most popular or expensive actions. Too often, we forget that consistency lies at the core of faithfulness. What we do with the small opportunities in our lives indicates how seriously we will treat the big ones. How we invest in relationships privately reflects how we will treat people publicly. The little actions are just as significant as the big ones, so don’t ignore the small things someone else does for you or downplay the small ways you bless other people.
Small act of service
Perform one small act of kindness today—hold a door open for someone, take time to write a five-star review for a small business, or bring flowers to a leader in your church.
Closing prayer
God of grace, remind us that your goodness shows up in unexpected miracles, in daily silence and in everything in between. Embolden us to be faithful in ways both big and small. Give us the wisdom to experience your blessing in even the simplest actions of our neighbors. Amen.