As Lutherans, we understand grace as God’s unconditional love and forgiveness, freely given despite our imperfections. This grace transforms our lives, not because we deserve it but because God offers it. May this short collection of reflections offer supportive prompting for your weekend ahead.

“By grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God—not the result of works, so that no one may boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Community service idea:
Consider organizing a “Grace in Action” afternoon with friends and family. Decide together where and how you can give back to a community that is important to you all. Consider nursing homes, local nonprofits that serve those struggling with food insecurity or homelessness, etc. After your time of service, gather in someone’s home to discuss how offering acts of kindness and compassion as a tangible expression of God’s grace affected you, and how you can continue to serve communities around you on a regular basis.

I trust in the promise that God’s grace meets me exactly where I am, freely offered, and it transforms me into the person I am called to be.

Journal prompt:
Write about a moment in your life when you experienced grace and how that affected you. How can you extend that same grace to others in your daily life?

Gracious God, we thank you for your gift of love and forgiveness. Help us to live as people of grace, extending kindness, compassion and gentleness to all we meet. Amen.

Kelly Mason
Kelly Mason is a content strategist for the ELCA. She is also an ELCA coach and currently resides in the Midwest.

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