Focus verse
“I press on toward the goal, toward the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14).
January bought our first official snowstorm of the season. To my children’s delight, they had four snow days off from school. Each day they bundled up with their snow pants, gloves, hats and boots and ventured outside. They made snow angels and snowmen and threw snowballs at one another. Across from our house, a pile of snow had been plowed, creating a child’s dream: I watched them slide down on their backs and make a fort, and I watched them and the neighbor kids try to move a large snow boulder from the top of the fort (it wouldn’t budge).
Each time I looked out our laundry room window, I saw the children. They kept trying. They didn’t give up. I watched them chisel away with a shovel. Their bodies stood in line, pushing and pushing. They had a plan, and they weren’t giving up until they met their goal.
Could this be where we are right now in the new year, both with our faith and with our parenting? We’re dreaming and envisioning how the year will unfold but also encountering stumbling blocks. We may feel that creating a discipline of prayer or Bible study as a family is a constant uphill battle. Perhaps we get so far and then come spiraling down in doubt, sickness or an unexpected transition. There are no shortages of things that can knock us off track or derail our plans.
Yet, thinking of the kids climbing the snow pile and working toward moving the boulder, I can’t help but trust that the gifts come when we don’t give up. We learn along the way what it means to persevere through challenges and to pray through the situations in our path. We keep trying and know that when we face an obstacle, it’s best to work together.
May you remember God’s presence. May you lean into rhythms of both rest and work. May you delight in the blue skies and the sparkling snow. May you always remember that you are not alone.
- Take time to write little love notes to your family and others. Remind them of God’s love and presence. Tuck the notes into books at the library or hymnals at church. Leave them hidden around your house for your family members to find.
- Think about something you want to do as a family but have been afraid to start. Maybe you’ve talked about volunteering at the animal shelter or hosting a weekly community meal at your home. Maybe you want to clean out your closets to donate to others. Pick one goal that you all can take part in, and make it a priority this month. Do it together and give thanks for your hands and feet that can help and serve others.
Prayer practice
Set aside time during the evening to share highs and lows as a family. This is a time to give thanks for something that made you smile or something that made you sad or didn’t go well. Listen to one another and use the time for connecting and praying through your day. End with a prayer together: Dear God, we thank you for this day, both the times when we were happy and the times when we faced hard things. You are always with us. Help us to know your love and share it with others. Amen.