Sign up for the print magazine

We heard you—and listened. We have found a way to bring back the magazine’s print publication in a quarterly fashion. Each issue (spring, summer, winter and fall) will feature the stories you know and love, along with updates on the church and your ELCA community. The cost for one year will be $19.95 for an individual subscription and $17 per year for a congregation group subscription.

You can sign up today to let us know you would like to subscribe for the magazine. You will be invoiced for your subscription before March 2025. If your subscription had not lapsed at the end of 2023, you will receive a renewal notice when your subscription expires. If you have questions, please contact us at or call us at 800-638-3522.

UPDATE: Thank you for your interest in subscribing to the Living Lutheran magazine. We know you’ve been expecting an email that would provide you with more billing information. We are in the process of switching to a new fulfillment company, and it is taking longer than expected to set up the subscription system.

All subscribers:
Once our fulfillment partner completes the setup of our subscription database, we will notify you via email to make sure you don’t miss the opportunity to receive Living Lutheran. You will be able to update your address and payment information at that time.

Congregation subscribers:
We are aware that address lists for congregation plans are not up-to-date and that not all congregations who signed up received the spring issue. We apologize and are working quickly to remedy this in time for the summer 2025 issue. You will not receive an invoice for the spring issue.

We are sorry for the confusion that this has caused and are grateful for your patience while we get the new system in place. Thanks to your loyal readership, Living Lutheran continues to share stories of God’s people living their faith – online and once again in print!

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